Learn how menstrual cycle affects the intensity, difficulty and quality of your workouts

November 17th @ 7pm EST

00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds
00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds

Boost your strength consistently while reducing the risk of injury and setbacks by utilizing our periodization method 

Boost your strength consistently while reducing the risk of injury and setbacks by utilizing our periodization method 



4 Phases of Your Menstrual Cycle

Understand the four phases of your menstrual cycle and how it affects you

Injuries and Ovulation

Understand the increase risk of lifting during ovulation and why it's important to adapt your program these days

What is Periodization

But what is periodization, and why do we need it?

Their way of Periodizing

We look at famous lifting programs which are mostly made by a man, with a male lifter in mind... 

Our way of Periodizing

Together we will adapt the famous lifting program to your body while honoring its natural hormone cycle.

How to choose your exercises

We'll discuss how to choose the right exercise for your goal and implement them into our new PERIOD-IZED program.

I've been lifting heavy for over a decade. It all started when I quit Goodlife and joined my first powerlifting gym. I've since worked with 6 different coaches and none of them ever spoke to me about my period. When I had cramps I would get conflicting messages, rest, don't rest, work through it, don't worry.

As I started to personally train more clients who menstruate, I realized there was something missing from our training. How are we not educating our clients on the importance of tracking your cycle to better understanding the impacts on their program.

By introducing cycle tracking to my clients and myself, I saw a decrease in injuries, an increase in PR's and a better understanding of nutritional needs. I had finally optimized OUR fitness through cycle tracking.

So Kat and I came up with the solution, let's teach women how to empower themselves and demand better from their trainers

I’ve been a lifelong lover of sport and always strive for improvement. Getting stronger has been a huge goal over the last 10 years and that’s where powerlifting and Olympic weightlifting came in. I was coached by men who never asked me about my cycle, whether I was on birth control or not. They didn’t seem to also consider my previous injuries. I was given a 12 week program to follow, where I inevitably got badly injured. I couldn’t lift for months on end.

I was beating myself up about it pretty bad when I started to get to the bottom of what had caused it. Aside from adjusting how often I lifted, I needed to adjust when I trained heavy, and when it was wiser to pull it back and rest. Turns out, there are times in our cycles when we are far more prone to injury, something I wish I had known getting into strength and conditioning as a woman.

Once I embraced my naturally cycling hormones, tracked them, and worked with them rather than against them, I recovered and came back stronger. I want more women to have access to the information that I never got from my coaches

Start using your menstural cycle to examine your performance as a female lifter, we can discover methods of making you stronger, faster, and more resilient to injury. 

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Lifts & Cycles

The often overlooked but incredibly powerful way in which female weightlifters see incredible results from their workout sessions.


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